Exporting our Cockapoo's is something we specialise in here at Hallslake. 

We have so far exported puppies to France, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Maldives, Panama (South America) Singapore, Honk Kong, Dubai, Kuwait, many go to Jersey & Guernsey, and most recently, to a lovely lady in the Isles of Scilly! 

Right from the moment they were born, we have been socialising each and every puppy born at Hallslake, preparing him (or her) for his future life as a loving companion. We have introduced different noises, different surfaces, different play items and areas, as well as different animals, vehicles and feeding locations – all of this habituation and novelty contributes to the puppies’ early development. The early ground work that we put into these litters’ social and emotional wellbeing has a direct impact on the puppy's ability to be fit for function as a family dog.

It is imperative that the puppy’s new owner continues this socialisation when their new puppy comes home. From about 5 weeks of age, and continuing over the time the puppy normally goes to his new home, an important transition takes place in the puppy’s ability to take in new situations as his natural fearfulness increases. It is tso important that Puppy doesn't miss this valuable window of opportunity to experience new things – which will close at around 14 weeks of age. 

Because export puppies cannot leave until they are 4 months old, this small window of time cannot be spent with the new owners, so here at Hallslake we take it upon ourselves to make sure that puppies spending their first 16 weeks with us miss as little as possible in  experiencing new things. 

We will start lead training, they will spend a lot more time in our home, will spend short periods sleeping alone during the day time, and will start grass toilet training. They will spend time with bigger groups of older dogs (non family) to encourage good canine manners, and away from other dogs or litter mates to encourage good human manners! They will begin to get used to being bathed, blow dried and groomed, will have the hair around their eyes, ears and toes trimmed using electric clippers, and will have their nails cut (all things a cockapoo is likely to need to be confident with in later life). They will spend alone time both in the house, and outside, to encourage independence, and will without doubt spend a lot of time being carried about and cuddled by our daughters! On top of this, once Puppy has had 2nd vaccinations, he will get to go out on fun outing, such as trips to the beach, the park, the pub, and will go in on school runs to meet lots of different people and environments! 

For puppies which are going to be exported we ask a complete price of £2500 which covers the price of the puppy, it's socialisation and keep up to 16 weeks of age (which is the earliest they are permitted to travel abroad), their full vaccination program including rabies, European Health Checks, Fit to Fly Certs or time tape worm treatments as required depending on the destination. 

 £500 deposit is asked for as normal at reservation (£250 to go on the waiting list & £250 at the conformation of a specific puppy) with the remaining balance payable when the puppy reaches 8 weeks old (the date at which it would be old enough to leave for it's new home were it saying in the UK). 

We are also able to offer personal delivery to any airport or dock within the UK, and can arrange international door to door private delivery, either ourselves or through a pet courier service. This will be at the puppy parents expense. Cath normally does the delivering, within the UK, and she will also have her own Cocker 'Cashew' with her. Cath & Cashew really enjoy their road trips, & when traveling it means Puppy can be happy with a friend (human & canine) who is familiar throughout the whole journey, to help boost confidence & reduce stress.

We have so far exported puppies to France, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Maldives, Panama (South America) Singapore, Honk Kong, Dubai, Kuwait, many go to Jersey & Guernsey, and most recently, to a lovely lady in the Isles of Scilly! 

Below are some photos of two of our puppies enjoying some of the extra socialisation that they recieve on our Export plan. 


This is Cath & Cashew                                                                           Here are some of our puppies meeting school children


Below are two of our export puppies experiencing the Beach & Sea for the first time, and meeting new friends at the cafe & doggy ice-cream stall!